Ibn Taymiyyah and Robert Adams on the Relationship between Religion and Ethics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Candidate at University of Qom

2 Professor and the Manager of Ethics Department at University of Qom


The present paper aims to explore the relationship between religion and ethics from the perspective of Ibn Taymiyyah and Robert Adams. For this purpose, this article investigates comprehensively the standpoints of these two thinkers in four parts. The results of the research reveal that from the perspective of Ibn Taymiyyah, ethics is dependent upon religion in four dimensions (ontological, epistemological, semantic, and normative). According to Adams, although ethics is dependent on religion in ontological and normative dimensions, they are autonomous regarding epistemological and semantic dimensions. The critical analysis of these two perspectives results in two conclusions. First: there are considerable similarities between these two viewpoints prevailing over their differences. Second: these two thinkers have not provided a proper definition of the relationship between ethics and religion and have not clarified the ethical interaction between God and man.


Main Subjects

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