Mulla Sadra’s Views on the Possibility of Extracting Multiple Concepts from a Single Aspect in the Theory of Unity of Divine Attributes

Document Type : Research Paper



The identity and unity of the Divine attributes in Mulla Sadra’s view is based on the possibility of extraction of multiple concepts from a single aspect of an instance. This possibility is not compatible with the unity of the concept with its referent and is not also compatible with the denotation of concepts. In this article, the unity of God’s Essence and attributes is the main assumption behind the possibility of extracting multiple concepts from a single aspect of an instance. This article investigates Sadra’s views concerning the reference of God’s attributes to a single mode of expression. Then it deals with the debate of extracting multiple concepts from a single aspect of an instance and the contradiction in which Ṣadra himself is involved. Next, the possibility of the extraction of multiple concepts from a single aspect in the discussion of God’s attributes -using an analytic method-is demonstrated.
