Revisiting Al-Kindi’s “Treatise on The Art of Dispelling Sorrows” in the Framework of Philosophy as a Way of Life

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran



As the first Muslim philosopher, Al-Kindi developed a philosophical framework based on his monotheistic perspective, as evidenced by his surviving treatises. Although his philosophical system is eclectic, its religious framework clearly distinguishes it from his non-Muslim predecessors. This distinction becomes more apparent in his practical treatise on coping with sorrows. It seems that Al-Kindi’s philosophy can be considered a model of philosophy as a way of life. In the concept of philosophy as a way of life, pioneered by the French philosopher Pierre Hadot, a distinctive understanding of ancient philosophy is provided. This understanding can also be applied to the study of philosophy in the Islamic world. By examining Al-Kindi's philosophical system through Hadot’s perspective, a different understanding than previously thought may emerge. This research aims to analyze aspects of Al-Kindi’s way of life influenced by his monotheistic view, with a focus on his treatise. Initially, we will provide a brief overview of philosophy as a way of life and Stoic thought to revisit the ultimate goal of philosophy according to Al-Kindi. In the light of Hadot’s approach, we will analyze the similarities between Al-Kindi’s treatise and Stoic thought and then demonstrate that our approach to the fundamental difference in Al-Kindi's response to sorrow from the Stoics is based on his way of life.


Main Subjects

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