Causality, as a general rule in the argument from origination, has a central role in the system of Maturidi theology. Abu_Mansour Matridi believes that in the argument from origination, the minor premise, "the world is originated", is understood through three ways: sense, reason, and narration, and the major premise "every originated needs a cause" is the content of the rule of causality and is self-evident. We, after considering this argument, address the subject of theology, i.e., the nature of God. In this article, by examining the structure of "the argument from origination", according to Maturidi's view, we examine what exactly the "origination", as a criterion of the need for the effect of the cause, means in this argument. We show that this term, unlike other theologians, in Maturidi's views, does not only mean temporal origination, but first and foremost means "existential poverty and finitude", and this thought in Maturidi's words, can be considered as a kind of historical and theological foundation for the emergence of the "theory of essential origination" by philosophers like Avicenna.
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roshani rad, H. (2023). A Study of Maturidi's View on the Causation and Origination (Hodouth) and their Effect on the Theory of Essential Origination. Philosophy and Kalam, 55(2), 363-345. doi: 10.22059/jitp.2023.303099.523322
hamed roshani rad. "A Study of Maturidi's View on the Causation and Origination (Hodouth) and their Effect on the Theory of Essential Origination", Philosophy and Kalam, 55, 2, 2023, 363-345. doi: 10.22059/jitp.2023.303099.523322
roshani rad, H. (2023). 'A Study of Maturidi's View on the Causation and Origination (Hodouth) and their Effect on the Theory of Essential Origination', Philosophy and Kalam, 55(2), pp. 363-345. doi: 10.22059/jitp.2023.303099.523322
roshani rad, H. A Study of Maturidi's View on the Causation and Origination (Hodouth) and their Effect on the Theory of Essential Origination. Philosophy and Kalam, 2023; 55(2): 363-345. doi: 10.22059/jitp.2023.303099.523322