A Critique of Clark Pinnock's View on the Issue of "God’s Personality" from the Perspective of Imami Theologians

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Imami Theology, Quran and Hadith University.


"Personality" is one of the most central attributes that Pinnock ascribes to God. From his point of view, according to logical and narrative evidence, God is a personal being. This claim can be defended in the form of an argument: 1. any being can communicate with others only if it is a person, and according to biblical interpretations, 2. God has always been in contact with humans; so, God is a personal being. According to this argument, Pinnock considers being "Personal" presupposes attributes, some of which are attributes of perfection and some of which are attributes of imperfection and considers it necessary for every being (even God) without exception. On the contrary, since in the view of the Imami theologians the issue of Personality covers a wider field, although some of Pinnock's claims are approved by them, they basically consider God’s existence to be free from any defects and limitations. In this article, with the aim of obtaining an accurate explanation of the issue of God's personality, the descriptive-analytical method has been used to criticize Pinnock's view from the perspective of Imami theologians.


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