The Problem of Existence in Al-Kindi’s Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Islamic Philosophy, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Tehran,


Al-kindi, the first muslim philosopher, has raised the problem of "existence" in the manner of his own. In Al-kindi's works, the term of existence is used infrequently, and instead of it, the term of "cawn" or "ays" in contradiction with "lays" or "enniah" often is employed.
In Al-kindi's writings, of course, the term of existence sometimes means perception and conscience. He distinguishes between thing and its essence, and this distinction bear resemblance to the distinction which late-comers draws between existence and essence. According to the total of his writings, it seems that Al-kindi considers thingness and existence as the real and authentic, and that he regards the essence as the abstract, unreal, and mental construct. Although, during the time of Al-kindi, the problem of the reality of existence or essence, as a problem, yet had not become propounded.


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