A Comparative Study of Allameh Tabatabei and Open theism’s Views upon the Personal God

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . PHD Student of Islamic Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


In theological studies, the concept of personal God implies predicating to God attributes such as consciousness, will, life, power, goodness, and interlocution. These are God's attributes according to the sacred books of Abrahamic traditions. According to the followers of Open Theology, the way that classical theology describes God is incompatible with the Bible. They try to solve this by reconsidering and redefining divine attributes such as divine absoluteness, absolute simplicity, and perfection. In relation to the dichotomy of transcendence/personification of the Divine Truth, Allameh Tabatabei, however, finds a third way such that both parties receive the stance they deserve without sacrificing one for the other. Firstly, taking advantage of philosophical rules, he proves the viability of the predicating the personal attributes of perfection to God, and then in the next step, after making a distinction between the stations of Oneness and Unicity, he attributes transcendence, formlessness, and impersonality to the former, and attributes of perfection to the latter.


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