The Typology of the Multiplicity of the Human Soul in Three Stages of before, during and after Belonging to the Body in Mulla Sadra’s Perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Candidate of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Tehran, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences.


The soul in transcendent theosophy has both corporeal creation and spiritual permanence; hence, it has two aspects of “corporeality and belongingness to the body” and “inherent immateriality”. The main purpose of this study is to recognize the multiplicity of the human soul in three stages of its coming-to-be
Human Souls were immaterial intellects before they came to be attached to the body. Hence, the multiplicity of human souls can be regarded as the multiplicity of the “species of the intellects.” After the corporeal creation of humans, all of them became the “species of the natural” category in terms of the body, and they are also multiple. But after the acquisition of permanent spiritual states and on the basis of these states’ alliance with the essence of the soul, every soul has a different essence from other essences in terms of their nature. Hence, every soul has a unique and "imaginal class". A small number of human souls that have reached perfection and became immaterial intellects based on their origin and target alliance will acquire the perfection of the “species of the intellects” category.


Main Subjects

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