A Critical Analysis of the Khajeh Nasir’s Viewpoint on How Equivocal Types Refer to Their Tokens

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Prof. of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University.


In this paper, through exploring the problem of equivocal types and its historical roots in Islamic Peripatetic school, we will explain the differences between Khajeh Nasir’s approach to equivocal types and Avicenna’s one; and show that such differences result from Sohrevardi’s criticisms and his belief in the priority of essence.
On the one hand, Khajeh Nasir embraces Sohrevardi’s criticism of Avicenna, and on the other, he never could accommodate modulation and gradation of essence in the framework of Peripatetic school. Thus, he considers the equivocal types as required common accidental of their tokens. In this paper, it has been shown that, firstly, Khajeh Nasir borrows this idea from the matter of the relation of genus and differentia and of accident and Aristotle’s accidental categories. Secondly, to embrace such idea epistemologically results in inconformity between subject and object form Peripatetic point of view.  Furthermore, from theological point of view, it paves the way to Ibn Kamooneh’s doubt.


Main Subjects

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