The Existence as Light Metaphor in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Lakoff criticized Aristotelian view of metaphor and founded cognitive theory of metaphor. Assuming the acceptance of this theory, abstract concepts in Islamic philosophy are understood by conceptual metaphors. The conceptual metaphors are often unconsciously used by the philosophers.
The existence as one of important bases of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is conceptualized by several conceptual metaphors. “Existence Is Light” metaphor imports our conventional experiences of sensible light in format of systematic descriptions to Mulla Sadra’s metaphysics and applies it to the conceptualization of the existence. The mentioned metaphor plays remarkable role in Sadrian metaphysics and epistemology. The gradation of the existence is understood by this metaphor; the existence, like light, can be intense or weak. According to this metaphor, the existence, like light, is self-manifesting and makes others apparent.


Main Subjects



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