Critical Thinking; The Analysis and Criticism of Some Definitions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor in Dept. of philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University

2 M.A. of Philosophy (Logic) Tarbiat Modares University.


“Critical thinking” is a way of thinking and also is a title for an area of
knowledge stemmed from Dewey in the philosophy of education. In
this article, after analyzing and criticizing some of the most notable
definitions of critical thinking, we will show that most thinkers
believe that critical thinking, as a general area of knowledge, is
possible. Finally, arguing for the plausibility of the approaches that
focus on critical thinking as a process, and the idea that the
“differences” between views are not “oppositions”, we conclude that
Richard Paul’s view is the most comprehensive position. And the
suggestion (made implicitly) is that critical thinking is not just a
pedagogical matter, and demands some philosophical discussions.


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