The Impact of Sin on the End and Function of Reason in al-Ghazali's Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran


The important issue of epistemic impacts of sin addressed in the
contemporary epistemology may be studied from different aspects.
One is related to the actual impacts which sin has on the securer of
knowledge and the other on the relation of human being and God as
the emanator of knowledge. In this article we address the first aspect
in an analytic method from al-Ghazali’s viewpoint. This impact is a
fundamental one on the end and function of reason and also on the
process of knowledge and its product. Here we only discuss the
impact of sin on the end and function of reason in its three aspects: the
impact of sin on the existential end of reason, its impact on the quality
of turning reason towards the truth, and its impact on the emotion and
the will related to the comprehension of truth. The impact of sin on the
process of knowledge and its product won’t be discussed in this


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