Neo-Sadraean Epistemology and the Divider of the "Imagination" and "Judgment"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Responsible Author: Associate Professor, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA Student in Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Differentiation of the two terms imagination and judgment
is a main distinction in Islamic logic and Neo-Sadraean
epistemology. Both disciplines believe that the divider of
the two is "acquired knowledge". But, the concept of
“judgment”, in epistemology, is not the same as the
concept of "acquired knowledge" in Islamic philosophy.
Differentiation of imagination and judgment is an
ontological one, and Islamic philosophers consider
acquired knowledge as an "epistemic being". In logic and
epistemology "Judgment" is the same as "proposition",
and is not an “epistemic being". “Judgment" is the origin
of the two concepts: "representation" and "assertion". In
logic, "Judgment" is "asserting the truth of a proposition",
and in epistemology, it is the knowledge of realization or
non- realization of something.
