The Consideration of the Possibility of al-Nafs al- Juziyah (Finite Self) Realization before the Worldly Life Based on the Theory of Mulla Sadra’s Individual Unity of Existence

Document Type : Research Paper



The eternity of Al-Nafs al-Juziyah (finite self) is one of the most complicated philosophical issues. In some of his works, Mulla Sadra firmly pointed out the eternity of finite self; he similarly has specified the created-ness of the bodily soul; however, the former and the latter are apparently contradictory. The main objective of the present study is to indicate that according to the mystical foundations of Mulla Sadra in the theory of “the individual unity of existence”, firstly, the theory of the eternity of finite self is a reasonable matter, and secondly, there is no contradiction between such an eternity and created-ness of the bodily soul. According to this theory, as the existence is a united truth, its manifestation is a united truth too; besides, this manifestation possesses three levels: abstract, semi-abstract, and material. According to the gradation of manifestations, the human truth is present in both intellectual and in infra intellectual levels. The intellectual reality of man in purgatory (intermediate) world is accompanied with material requisites, while in the physical world, in addition to the material requisites, it is also accompanied with matter, itself, and dispositions.


Main Subjects

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